Saturday, 19 February 2011

Day Fourty One

9.30am Breakfast
Bacon (3 rashers) and scrambled egg (2 eggs) with a mug of Green Tea.

Ok, so I took a photo of me on 17th January, after I had already lost 6lbs, and decided to take monthly photos in the same clothes. I chose to wear some elasticated trousers for the photos so I can hopefully keep wearing the same trousers throughout the diet for the monthly photos. Here is the first monthly photo (Day Seven & Day Fourty One (I forgot its the 19th today, not the 17th!!lol)), after 8lbs loss (because I didn't think of doing it on Day One!)

I'd say there is a bit less flab around the belly and the width of my bum looks a bit smaller? I also take the photo by setting a 10 second timer on my camera, sitting it on my desk and standing in the same place in my lounge, to try and get as accurate a photo as possible. I only used Photoshop to adjust the lighting of the photos (so they look clearer and more similar) and crop them to remove my fluffy haired makeup-less head! :)

It doesn't look like there is THAT much difference, I should have done it from Day One really, but next month will be 17th Jan & 17th March, so hopefully the change will be more noticeable. My waist is 15 cm smaller since Day One, but only 5cm smaller from 17th Jan.

I did my Wii Fitness Coach workout about 12.30pm, did the cardio workout again for 15 minutes, I will do another once my lunch has gone down before jumping into the shower.

13.40pm Lunch
Leftover kebab meat and salad. Not a lot of salad though as there was so much meat!!! Full now.

OK, so I did about 50 minutes of the Charlie Brooks workout DVD. I worked my butt off as much as I could in the High Intensity section, then skipped it forward to the Pilates section rather than just marching it out and joining in at bits when I could. Still means I have done over an hour's exercise today though if you include the 15 minutes of cardio I did this morning.

I am just waiting for my food to cook then I can dry my hair and get ready to go out tonight...

18.30pm Dinner
Chicken wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cheese with mushrooms and green beans.

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