Friday 6 January 2012

D Day! - First Weigh-in of the year :/

I did a little shop last night so I now have in my fridge a swede (well, half of one as that is how they were sold) a dozen eggs and some ricotta cheese :) I can now do a couple of the recipes that I posted yesterday over the weekend.I also have some celery that I will have with some baked camembert instead of the normal wraps that I have with camembert. I might have that for lunch today as I finish at 12pm, then I can weigh myself while the camembert is in the oven...

As promised, I will weigh later on today, even though I am REALLY not looking forward to seeing how much I have put on! I am guessing at a stone(14lbs) although I am secretly hoping it isn't as much as that! lol From my size in the photo yesterday, I was about 6lbs heavier than my lightest weight, but like I said I do have a few extra rolls around the belly from Festive food and booze :/

And the result of the weigh in is.... I have gained 11lbs since the wedding! :( So, not quite the stone that I expected to have put on, but still not the best of results! Fingers crossed I will lose 6-7lbs in my first week like I normally do on the first week of Low Carb and then I will be over half way to losing what I had put on again! But I do still want to lose about 5lbs more on top of the 11bs, so 1st 2lbs in total.

I tried out the Wii Your Shape today. I think I need to either move my sofa back a bit further or re-angle it somehow as it kept saying I wasn't doing the arm movements properly because my arms kept going off of the top of the screen! lol I still did all the exercises though, even though it didn't register some of them on the camera. I recognised the exercises from my Wii Fitness Coach game, you just can't cheat in this one as there is a camera tracking your movements!!

I did a 15 minute bikini body session and then a 15 minute cardio workout based on working on my abs and I apparently burnt 246 calories :) I am actually aching now though (I did sweat a lot too) as I am not used to exercising anymore.Dinner today was chicken breast and salad, something nice and low calorie after my cheese fest of camembert and celery for lunch!

chicken breast salad

Today I consumed a total of 18g carbs and 1170 calories, but I burnt off 467 calories (including cleaning my flat today) So, my net calories were pretty low at 703 calories. The My Fitness Pal app moans at me if I don't reach my calorie goal (1200) every day! oops!

You can see when I started back on Low Carb lol :)

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