Monday 7 March 2011

Day Fifty Seven

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt, linseeds and mixed nuts with a mug of Green Tea.

8.15am Pot of Green Tea

9.20am Snack
Granny Smith apple.

I'm a Senokot junkie!!! lol Well, at least it worked, but I still feel a bit bloated so I might take some more tonight before weigh day tomorrow! ;) It is also pancake day tomorrow! woo!

13.00pm Lunch
Chicken Mayo salad with lettuce and tomato (I'd run out of cucumber!!).

I heart chicken mayo!!!!
That lunch was delicious! Shame there wasn't more of it! Had my appraisal at work today, so lunch was a bit later than usual :)

I didn't realise at first, but I should have been buying the full fat yoghurt and full fat mayo instead of the healthier options of both as there are less carbs in the full fat versions!! - Fancy that! The mayo in the above pic has a whole loada fat in it!!! ;)

Think I'll do the Wii Fitness Coach tonight, I haven't done that one for a while, she gives this message every time we start a new session:

Sometimes I feel like nothing can stop me, but most times its the 'Not too bad' answer! :) I've never said you're lucky I'm here lol

13.30pm Pot of Green Tea

14.30pm Snack
One orange.

So, I went to Tesco after work and had a quick browse for some work trousers, found some size 12 standard leg for £7! I thought BARGAIN!!!! I got home and decided to try on my new trousers before putting my new joggers on to exercise in and I pulled them up, went to do them up and they were too small!!! I started thinking I must have put on weight or something as they didn't even do up! Until I looked at the label in the trousers instead of the size on the coat hanger.

I did 30 minutes of cardio on the wii fitness coach today - ouch!!

19.00pm Dinner
Chicken, mushroom, courgette, orange pepper, cherry tomato and some Edam cheese with a sprinkling of paprika.

Came home to more cat wee on the blanket and cushion I had left on the sofa! Phoned the vets at half 6 and it said they were closed even though they are meant to be open til 7! I'll put the special litter down in the morning and phone the vets to see if I can get her booked in tomorrow as she seemed to be getting better and has now been visiting the litter tray a lot again! :( SO glad I have pet insurance!!!!

Cystitis (bladder inflammation) and Bladder/Kidney Stones: Cystitis and stones are extremely common in the cat and can be very painful and life-threatening. Cystitis can lead to inappropriate urination (urinating outside of the litter box) and stones can cause a fatal rupture of the bladder. (Any cat that is repeatedly entering the litter box but not voiding any urine is in need of IMMEDIATE medical attention!)

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