Friday 1 April 2011

Day Eighty Two

FRIDAY!!!!! :D :D

This week feels like it has reaaallly dragged!!

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt with mixed nuts and a mug of Green Tea.

I don't have a burning sensation in my belly this morning. The Gaviscon said to take the tablets after meals and I don't really class yoghurt as a proper meal, so I will take some after lunch just to make sure that its all better :)

So we are finally in April and my little niece/nephew is due this month!! (HURRY UP!!!) I have done some knitting for him/her but I will wait until I know the sex before I do any more :)

8.45am Snack
Mini Babybel :) I know its quite early for a snack, but my belly was starting to rumble and I wanted to avoid any acid build up!! :)

10.10am Snack
I have just polished off a Mini Pepperami and then remembered that the lady at Boots said to avoid spicy food!!! :/

As its the first Friday after pay day I would have ordered in a kebab tonight, but I'll have to see how the belly is now! #stupidbelly

I want to try and do more stomach crunches for a flatter belly, but every time I lay on my floor the cat gets confused and starts walking around me meowing which makes me giggle and I can't do the crunches properly!

11.00am Pot of Green Tea

This is a little snippet from the internet on tiredness on Low Carb diets as I don't suffer from it but a friend has me about it:

The first 2 days will be really the only rough part of this entire diet. The foods you will be eating are delicious and very filling. But your body is probably addicted to sugar, after having consumed it non-stop for your entire life. So you should expect a feeling of tiredness and headaches, while your body cries out for sugar and tries to figure out what it should do for energy.

But your body only retains 2 days worth of carb supply in it, and after the second day, it will be totally out of carbs. It will have to change to its normal other form of energy - FAT. And if you're on this diet, you have a good supply of fat on your body, so your body has ample fuel to work with.

More about the First Two Days

On day 3, your body will start to consume that fat supply, and when you eat food, it will go after those fats as well. I've heard of people losing anywhere from 7 to 14 pounds in these first two weeks, including in my own family. You can read my own personal experiences for Atkins.

After the first week, you'll really feel a new energy, feel more lively and even tempered. Your sugar-rush highs and lows will be gone, your shakiness when you're hungry will go away. And when you check your measurements after the 2 weeks, you'll be quite impressed on how weight AND measurements have improved!

The low carb toast that I ordered off the net turned up today and appears to be a lot smaller than I imagined it would! That is a desert spoon next to it! lol

14.30pm Lunch

Baked Camembert cheese with celery with a mug of White Tea

I did a 20 minute jog but also spent about 2 hours cleaning the flat!! It is quite warm today, so cleaning the flat brought me out in a sweat! - That has to count as exercise, surely?!! ;)

18.00pm Mug of White Tea

19.00pm Dinner
Bodrum Special Kebab and a can of diet coke! I left 2 of the meats to have with a salad tomorrow and have taken some Gaviscon just in case the chillis give me a burning belly again!!

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