Tuesday 12 April 2011

Day Ninety Three

WEIGH DAY again!!!

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt with mixed nuts and a mug of White Tea.

Wonder if swapping my apple for some cheese for a morning snack has made a difference to my weight loss? We will find out tonight! If it hasn't, I think I'll go back to the apple as a snack as it feels healthier!

Like I said yesterday, I am off to an exhibition today and my colleague said he'd rather get a meal at the pub, so I can actually stay low carb! WOO!

8.15am Pot of Green Tea

11.00am Green Tea

13.00pm Lunch
Mini Babybel and a diet coke as there were no low carb options at the exhibition

I didn't get home til gone 6pm and the cat needed feeding etc so I jumped straight in at the deep end and did my body test and today's result is...

And here is my weightloss chart so far:

18.45pm Mug of White Tea

Now, I'm not sure if it says 3lbs lost because I only had a Mini Babybel for lunch or because I didn't have alcohol at the weekend, or because I swapped my apple for a cheese snack?! Who knows! lol I'll find out next week I guess when I see how much I lose as I can't afford to go out this coming weekend as have St Georges Day the weekend after then I'm camping the weekend after that! :D

I ended up doing 20 stomach crunches and a few 'plank' exercises while I waited for my food to cook :)

19.30pm Dinner
2 chicken legs with curry seasoning and some green beans with mayonnaise and a mug of White Tea.

20.15pm Mug of Green Tea


  1. It's a great feeling, isn't it? My own Low Carb weight loss currently stands at 42 lb since Christmas, although there are weeks (like this week) where I don't get much progress, which makes me seriously grumpy for about ten minutes.
    I'm curious though - you're weighing yourself at the end of the day? Isn't that a bit likely to make you want to starve yourself in the afternoon? And if you're drinking enough water, you'll have two or three pints of transitory fluid to take into account as well...
    AS for worrying about one mini Baby-bell... C'mon! Give yourself a break! Pat yourself on the back and don't worry about the sixteenth-of-an-ounce. Just look at the LINE! - It goes the right way :)

  2. Well done!!! :)

    I don't have time to weigh myself in the mornings, and I have been weighing myself at the same time of day since I started, so figured it is likely to be more accurate that way. I know I would probably weigh less in the morning without all the food and water consumption, but like I said I don't have the time.

    I don't normally starve myself during the day, I went to an exhibition with work and the only food options were salad with pasta, sandwiches or pie with chips and peas and I didn't want to have a carb fest on weigh day. :)

  3. You know, it's SO frustrating when you can't get hold of "safe" food, isn't it? One thing Low Carb teachers us is how to prepare!

  4. Yes, but last time we went to that exhibition there was a salad option, so I thought I'd be safe! It has obviously gone downhill! - At least I had my cheese with me :)


Weightloss ticker for 2012

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter