Monday 18 April 2011

Day Ninety Nine

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt with mixed nuts and a mug of Green Tea.

8.30am Pot of Green Tea

I will do my monthly photo when I get home tonight, not sure if you will notice much of a change? Although there is about a 7lb difference, so there should be a noticeable change! :)

OMG I am on day 99!! That means tomorrow I will have been following Low Carb for 100 days!!! :-o Everyone keeps asking what I will do when I have reached my target and what I plan to do is slowly introduce carbs back into my diet. Maybe starting with potatoes, fruit, cereal? I'll try and avoid bread, pasta and rice to start with!

10.20am Snack
Cheese String

10.35am Pot of Green Tea

12.30pm Lunch
Cheese salad.

Weigh Day tomorrow!! Pressure is on to lose 2lb this week I think! And then another 2lb the following week, so I am at target before I go camping!! ;D I am expecting to put on a lb or 2 over the camping weekend, due to excess drinking! HA! Plenty of time to lose it again in time for the wedding though! SO glad that I am close to target now though, there are still 102 days until the wedding! So, in theory I could lose another 2 stone in that time if I wanted to! But I don't want to be a stick thin rake, so I won't!! lol

14.10pm Pot of Green Tea

Did my 30 minutes of the Wii jogging after doing 30 stomach crunches.

15.30pm Snack
Mini Pepperami

18.30pm Dinner

Beef mince with half a red onion, mushrooms, garlic and half a tin of chopped tomatoes.

Ok, as promised, here are the MONTHLY PICS!!

The first photo shows the weight loss is each month (click to enlarge):

There is a 7lb difference between the March and April photos, and an 8lb difference between the other months. Check out the neckline on my t-shirt it looks so much baggier this month! When I was exercising in these clothes, the tshirt kept slipping off my shoulder where it is so baggy now lol! I like this tshirt too :(

The second photo shows month one and today (click to enlarge):

There is a 1 stone 9lb difference between these two photos and 11cm lost from around the waist, 10cm from around the chest, 5cm around the arms and 7cm from the hips! I have lost more than this in total, as I started the diet on 11th Jan, I lost quite a bit in 6 days! :)

I forgot that I took this pic at the weekend, I couldn't get a very good angle on the measuring tape though, so apologies!! :)

Thats my Pear Rattler t-shirt, it used to be tight and its a bit baggy now :( My belly doesn't stick out that much, its just where the t-shirt hung! Excuse the socks drying on the storage heater!! LOL

I might take another side on pic in a tighter t-shirt to show my belly doesn't stick out so much any more! haha

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