Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Day Three

Day three, and I was up at 4.30am ready for my long drive to Portsmouth. I must have had my breakfast about 5am, same as the last 2 days with a cup of Green Tea. Still feeling quite full from the previous night's Indian I set off in the hire car to Portsmouth with a travel mug full of Green Tea for the journey. I normally take a black coffee with me for the journey, but as coffee is a no no on the low carb diet, Green Tea it had to be! It didn't do the same job as a black coffee does in keeping me awake for the journey, but the air con in the car helped!

When I arrived in the office I decided I needed another Green Tea and that it was time to munch on my Granny Smith apple. They go for lunch half an hour earlier here, at 12pm so 9am was a good time for my apple :)

I am also curious what a button labelled 'Trip' does in the hire car?! - Any ideas?

What does the 'Trip' button do?

12pm Lunch
Prawn salad, same as yesterday's except I had half a green chilli instead of a red one and it wasn't so hot this time. Still have my grapes to eat too after I have enjoyed my 3rd mug of Green Tea* since being in Portsmouth.

*Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that are responsible for many of the health benefits of green tea. One of them in particular, epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short), has been found to stimulate the metabolism and accelerate weight loss.

One of the reasons I decided to go on the Low Carb diet is because the body normally burns carbs for energy and as your body isn't intaking a lot of carbohydrates, for energy it burns fat instead. BONUS!! The diet obviously works as I lost over a stone last year and the year before that, I just need to stop comfort eating in the winter to keep the weight off this time. I want to take before and after shots so you can see the difference it makes, I will have to try and set a timer on my camera so that I can take a photo of myself though! :/

14.30pm Green grapes. Not many today as its the last of the bunch!!

Didn't get home from work until 19.50 today, so had no time to exercise and eat before bed (as I was up at stupid o'clock). I decided just to weigh myself and do extra exercise tomorrow, and the scales said.... I've lost another 1lb since yesterday, that's not bad at all after my huuuge curry last night!! :)

Wii Fit weightloss chart
As I was eating late tonight, I didn't want a big dinner. I had some mince in the fridge that had to be used by today, so I decided to do a chilli, obviously without the rice, so I used:

beef mince
half an onion
half an orange pepper
5 mushrooms
1 red chilli
hot chilli powder
tin of red kidney beans
Jar of Chilli sauce (I think this has a few carbs in it, but not a major amount and I did only eat half of it)

I put half in a plastic Chinese takeaway pot as I didn't want to eat it all tonight. I'll see if it will fit in my tiny freezer once it has cooled down.

My chilli in a cereal bowl :)
Of course I had a mug of Green Tea to wash it all down. Bedtime soon, I'm pooped!

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