Thursday 12 May 2011

Day One Hundred and Twenty Three

6.30am Breakfast
Plain natural yoghurt with a mug of Green Tea.

Holiday tomorrow woooo! :) I'll be staying in one of these holiday homes...

Which have one of these in their back garden... ;)

8.30am Pot of Green Tea

9.40am Snack
Cheese String

11.45am Pot of Green Tea

And the best part is....

Yes, thats right! Not many carbs at all ;)

I have been told by the bride-to-be not to lose any more weight. I am thinking that maybe I can go onto lagers at the weekends then still keep the low carb diet going food-wise!? What do ya think? Reckon it will help to maintain my weight?? I will keep bread out of my diet too, but I think I should be allowed some fish & chips on a trip to the seaside etc, surely every once in a while won't do much harm? right?? Although, I have been told that whole grain foods are good to start adding into the diet, so maybe some multi grain bread or something would be okay?

12.30pm Lunch
Chicken Mayo (not much mayo as there wasn't much left) salad.

18.00pm Dinner
Hot and spicy beef skewers with hollumi and salad.


  1. I hope that's a bottle of low carb champagne on the side of the tub?

  2. Champagne is low carb! (See blog update! ;P)


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