Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day One Hundred and Thirty Six

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt with a mug of Green Tea.

8.20am Pot of Green Tea

The tops of my legs are killing me today!! I struggled to get out of bed this morning! lol Really must warm up next week! As well as wearing sensible socks too :) The best thing about jogging with friends is that they encourage you to keep at it and where I would have stopped jogging and switched to a walk they say we'll stop jogging at a certain landmark, which pushes me to jog that bit further than I would of had I been on my own :) It will be a weekly thing and hopefully we will eventually be about to jog the whole way without the walking in-between, but apparently that is the best way to start so that you don't give up!

9.45am Snack
Cheese string

11.15am Snack

12.30pm Lunch

Chicken Mayo salad.

I have downloaded an app on my iPhone called Daily Burn (its a free one). I have added all my food eaten since Saturday as I can't be bothered to go back further than Saturday and I have posted my carb intake for the days since Saturday. There is also a calorie counter option, so I might start using that too and set my calorie intake at 1270 ( I used a calorie calculator so that I could lose 7lbs in 2 months and thats what it said).

I did 40 stomach crunches today :)

18.00pm Dinner
Smoked mackerel and brussel sprouts with a mug of Green Tea

Can you believe there are 32g of carbs in that many Brussels?! Jesus! This app will come in handy, I thought all green veg were good carbs.

TOTAL (Approximate) Carbs for the day: 37g • Calories: 1243


Weightloss ticker for 2012

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter