6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt with a mug of Green Tea.
8.25am Pot of Green Tea
OMG I have been dieting for 200 days today!!! Can you Adam and Eve it?! I should really weigh myself today but I don't think I will have the time as I have to do a quick shop after work, so the cat has food for the weekend! Then go home, pack, clean the cat's stuff ready to take to my Mum's, eat, then pack the car up and head to my Mum's as my family from over the water is getting to my Mum's for about 6pm (I finish work at 4pm). Going to be a busy evening! I get to see my cute little niece tonight too! :) I knitted her something to wear for the wedding last night :)
9.30am Snack
Mini Peperami
10.15am Snack
11.00am Pot of Green Tea
9.30am Snack
Mini Peperami
10.15am Snack
11.00am Pot of Green Tea
12.30pm Lunch
Chicken Mayo salad.TOTAL (Approximate) Carbs for the day: 6g • Calories: 165 (SO FAR: 11.46)