Thursday 2 June 2011

Day One Hundred and Forty Four

6.30am Breakfast
Natural yoghurt and a mug of Green Tea.

8.00am Pot of Green Tea

9.50am Snack
Mini Cheddar Babybel.

11.10am Pot of Green Tea

11.15am Snack
Mini Peperami.

I booked my car in to get 4 new tyres before I do my 5hr drive to Cornwall in a couple of weeks. They were a proviso when I had it MOT'd back in April, I was just waiting for my bonus as I knew it would cost me ££££ lol Its £49.95 per tyre which includes disposal of old tyre and value check etc. So glad I transferred some of my bonus into a different account for my holiday as we are going later in the month than usual, I have a few weeks to spend most of my bonus on clothes/food etc before I actually go on holiday! Spent over £100 in Tesco last Friday but got a few things I had needed for a while (new razor blades (£8), new toothbrush (I got 2 as there was an offer on), facial wipes (on a 3 for £something offer) Washing capsules and fabric softener, deodorant & body spray, cat food (x2 as that was on offer too), booze for the 30th last Sat and I filled my fridge up! No indulgence treats, just stuff that I needed really!) I have had to throw away some food though as it went out of date :( That is probably about £60 worth there before the food shop! d'oh!

12.30pm Lunch

Cheese salad.

18.00pm Dinner
Hot & spicy beef kebabs with courgette chips and cheese & garlic stuffed mushrooms.

I started my 14 day course of Rodial Skinny Beach Sticks today (meant to flatten the stomach and help you get a better tan). I didn't pay the full price for them that they offer on their website (I'm not crazy!! lol) I didn't even pay half the price offered on their website! We'll just have to see if they work on the Low Carb diet, even if they don't give me a flatter belly and just a better tan then they'd be worth the money :D

TOTAL (Approximate) Carbs for the day: 15g • Calories: 972


  1. How do you make courgette chips? Quite fancy giving them a go! :)

  2. Its what Ma used to make when we'd have steak and fried onions and courgettes! Just thinly slice a courgette and then shallow fry them :) turning them over and make sure they don't burn! lol (all of a sudden the oil seems to cook them really quickly so you have to keep an eye on them!)


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