Tuesday 2 August 2011

Final Post

So the day of the big wedding arrived. I had my hair done by the hairdresser, and I must say it looked GORGEOUS!!

Here it is with pretty little flowers in :)

Then it was time to slip into our dresses... I hadn't tried mine on for a while and hoped it wouldn't be too tight! I put it on and asked Kelly's sister Hayley to zip it up for me and.... there was loads of room!! I actually had to use 'tit tape' to help the dress stay in place properly ;) lol

The dresses were gorgeous!!

The bride and the other two bridesmaids (See, they are tiny!! Hence my aim to lose weight!! lol)

The bride, groom and their siblings...

The girlies...

Tug of war!!! LOL

I might add some of the professional ones when I get them :)


  1. You Look Fabulous! Congrats - you did it!

  2. So that's it? You hit a goal and now what? I'd sure love to see you continue blogging.

  3. I am still low carbing on and off, but continuously blogging my daily food eaten (and taking photos of my meals) was taking over my life! I think I have put on a few pounds since reaching goal due to be constantly low on cash so having meals like beans on toast and lasagne (that feeds me for 4 days!) as I am low on funds. Maybe I will start blogging again in the new year? I'm sure I will consume a lot of bad carbs over the festive season! I am still taking a salad of either prawn or chicken mayo to work with me every day, its just the evening meals that have been full of bad carbs!

    I'm pleased to hear that you have enjoyed following my blog though :)


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